Why do some people see asking for help as discouraging – part 3

In reason 3 of this series called ‘Why do some people see asking for help as discouraging’; I want to look at their belief that their self-worth requires them to know all the answers. A question for you, if you are having this thought, is it serving you effectively?

Let’s read what Ken Blanchard said. And if you are wondering who Mr. Blanchard is, he is an American author, business consultant and motivational speaker, has had over 60 books published. His most successful book, ‘The One Minute Manager’, has sold over 15 million copies and been translated into many languages. He declared that; “Asking for others guidance helps you see what you may not be able to see. It’s always important to check your ego and ask for help.”

This idea of checking your ego is very important for long-term success, isn’t it? Would today be a good day to start checking your ego and get on the road to unprecedented growth?

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