How adaptable are you?
Are you able to thrive even when the situation is beyond your control? If you aren’t I’d like to make a suggestion in the form of a question. Why does everything have to go your way? Did you ever consider …
Are you able to thrive even when the situation is beyond your control? If you aren’t I’d like to make a suggestion in the form of a question. Why does everything have to go your way? Did you ever consider …
If you aren’t, do you wonder why? Could it be that your plans are too small? It has been shown that when we make small goals, there is no motivation to work towards the achievement of those goals. Daniel Burnham, …
Are you still motivated like you were when you started your business? Read more »
What do you think? According to the late Richard Carlson of ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff’ fame the above statement is true. But let’s look at the big picture. I recently read that Hans Selye the Hungarian born endocrinologist (1907-1982) …
Is stress just a socially accepted mental illness? Read more »
Does it make you want to stay in bed and cover your head and hope the situation was just a night-mare? I believe that we need to look differently at stress. This is because if we look differently at stress, …
Is this possible? First of all let’s look at what the definition of stress is. In my dictionary it states that stress is a constraining or impelling force; tension, pressure… Now the question becomes what is wrong with a constraining …
You do realize that you have a limited amount of time in your life, don’t you? As business guru Peter F. Drucker once said; “Effective executives start by finding out where their time actually goes.” Whether you are an executive …
What bad habit have you overcome? If you haven’t improved like you’ve wanted to, may I suggest improving your decision making? Why is it important that you improve your decision making? It is because decision making is the difference between …
Maybe it is the same way I’ve done myself? As we finish the first month of 2013, it is my hope this poem will make you think and evaluate your progress. The poem is called ‘The Face In The Glass’ …
What is one way that I can help you evaluate your progress so far this year? Read more »
Is pioneering new products, ideas or services in your business or your industry important? The reason why this blog post came to completion was because of a wonderful article I read in the National Post by Jonathan Kay. The entire …
What have you pioneered in your business or industry? Read more »
Are there some things you need to improve? Now that we are into the 4th week of a New Year, it is time to review how your plans are going. Some one who is reading this will say; ‘Who needs …