Have you become a cognitive miser?

Are you looking for simpler or effort-less ways to solve problems?

If you said ‘yes’ you are not alone. This is because as one article I read stated we’ve become ‘lazy thinkers’. Now that is a sad commentary on our world in general isn’t it, but it is true. We live in a world that is bombarded with information and activity, some becoming a lazy thinker is our short-cut to get things done.

  • We are always looking for the easy ways of handling life.
  • We are always looking for the easy ways to come up with solutions.
  • We are always looking for the easy ways of becoming happy.

But do those easy ways make us happy? I don’t believe so and let me help you understand why. First of all, I know that there are 4 levels of happiness.

In the 1st level (the lowest level) the goal is pleasure and the focus is all about our physical senses. It is all about immediate pleasure for us as individuals. It is all about the extra bowl of ice cream or some other sensual pleasure. What are the challenges in this form of pleasure? I am sure someone is thinking there are none, so let me explain further. Sensual please can lead to harm, for example gaining so much weight you cannot do what you might have liked. Sensual pleasure can lead to boredom or lack of self-worth. As you can see this level of happiness usually leads nowhere.

In the 2nd level the goal is ego-fulfillment, and this is accomplished by personal achievement. Yes, it is taking care of one’s self. It is all about promotion of one’s self, or personal power or control over another human. It leads to jealousy, fear of failure, contempt for others who have accomplished more than you, loneliness and isolation. Your internal gratification is short-term, not true happiness, is it?

In the 3rd level the goal is to do good that goes beyond yourself. All your decisions are based on the common good, and therefore include community, justice and love. It is being with others and giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Your internal gratification is long-term, as you know you did the right thing.

In the 4th level happiness is all about giving and receiving ultimate meaning. The focus is on goodness, ideals and love. This is achieved by using the principles of truth, love, justice and beauty/magnificence. Your gratification is eternal or everlasting.

So, you may be asking what does the 4 levels of happiness have to do with being a cognitive miser? Quite a bit and let me explain.

When we are looking for the easy ways of handling life, we focus on ourselves and our own pleasure, which usually entails some physical or sensual pleasure. Of course, you now know that this is a 1st level happiness the lowest level and the most unfulfilling form of happiness.

When we looking for the easy ways to come up with solutions, many times it is all about ego-fulfillment and personal achievement which is Level 2 happiness. It can be related to personal power or ultimately promoting one’s self. And now you know that this will lead to jealousy, fear of failure, loneliness and isolation.

There is a better way to live life. But it has to do with you over-coming the tendency to look for simpler or effort-less ways to solve problems and becoming a cognitive miser.

But the question is; will you do it?

Will you take action to move to a higher level of achieving happiness?

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