How important is your reputation?
Is it all that matters in the world that we live in? Yes, I was inferring that the world we are living in is very self-centered. So if we are living in a self-centered world is reputation important? I believe …
Is it all that matters in the world that we live in? Yes, I was inferring that the world we are living in is very self-centered. So if we are living in a self-centered world is reputation important? I believe …
Is it just forgetting about what took place before? I don’t believe that is true? I type this because we humans have memories and if something hurt you deep, it seems like it has been embedded in our long-term memory. …
Do you realize that those that came before you had a different attitude about the challenges in life? I would like to show you a soldier’s prayer that came out of the U.S. Civil War. For your information the U.S. …
When you forgive another person does it mean that you’ve forgotten that the event happened at all? I say no! I was told some time ago that real forgiveness means that you are allowing yourself to be free from the …
Are your customer’s happy or are they ecstatic? There is a big difference in the definition of happy and ecstatic. Happy is feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Ecstatic is feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. Now the …
I can hear many of you say ‘yes’. But is self-esteem all that matters? Let me give you an example. You are having a bad day and nothing is going right. You decide to prop up your self with some …
What is the reason for that? Did you know that when you blame other people or circumstances you are giving control over to these people or situations in your life for the bad things that happen to you. You’ve made …
Is it someone or is it something? I tend to agree with Deepak Chopra, when he stated; “Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they’re all a …
Are there steps to really do what is right and transform your life? Of course! In fact I would say that there is a three step process to improving your life. The steps are; Listening to the ‘whispers in the …
Did you know that social science research has shown that without realizing it, decision makers ignore certain critical information? Let’s start at the beginning with the definition of cognition. It is the method of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, …