Are you the leader you want to be?
Is there a way that you could be better? John Quincy Adams was the 6th President of the United States; a leader. He once said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, …
Is there a way that you could be better? John Quincy Adams was the 6th President of the United States; a leader. He once said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, …
Would it do you or them any good? I have a question for you; do you think there are some people who deserve your silence? In other words, maybe you can get your point to them without saying words. I …
Did you think I was talking about money? The answer is no! What I am talking about is what will it take to get you to take action? This is action that is long-term, consistent and does not know how …
Would you like to understand how Tiger Woods views competition? In December of 2014 Tiger Woods said; “We all eventually are losing some of the things we are able to do when we were younger,” Then he went on to …
Is that even possible? I believe that inside each and every one of us is this craving to become more than we are today. Sadly many of us have got tired from trying or have given up altogether. What could …
Does it do a person good to have some doubts at times? Here is a story that may give you insight about making final conclusions. There lived an old farmer who had worked on his fields for many, many years. …
Do you think it is possible? Again I am reminded of Winston Churchill when he said; “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” It occurs to me that you are either loved …
Did you know that there is a simple way of achieving this? Let me give you a real life example; it is my understanding that just over 200 years ago on January 30, 1815 Thomas Jefferson offered to restock the shelves …
Is success important to you? How do you judge your own success? I ask that because of what Winston Churchill once said; “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Yes, …
Is there a difference from a work perspective? Terrorists attempt to kill publicly and bullies try to devastate their victims secretly. Is the end result different? No, as people’s lives are destroyed! And when these lives are destroyed dreams become …
Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a bully? Read more »