How much pressure are you putting on your self?
Is all this pressure helping you or causing you stress? There was a time in my life that I was ridiculous with how much pressure I was putting on myself to be the ‘best’ at what I was doing. After …
Is all this pressure helping you or causing you stress? There was a time in my life that I was ridiculous with how much pressure I was putting on myself to be the ‘best’ at what I was doing. After …
What good is that doing? I believe there is a real issue in North America. This issue is to bitch and complain to those who can’t change the situation. I believe all of this complaining stems from our tendency to …
Do you complain about the pressures in life to those who can’t help you? Read more »
Don’t get me wrong; this cannibalizing is good for your business. Let me give you some facts. Apple has created and delivered products in six of the last consumer technological shifts according to top Apple analyst Gene Munster of Piper …
Are you wondering what principles are? It is my belief that a principle is a fundamental truth that serves as the foundation for a system of beliefs. These beliefs govern a person’s behavior. I will give you an example from …
Was it because you feared making a bad choice? You are not alone! I struggled with this at one time in my life. In fact it got so bad that I did not want to make any decisions until I …
Have there been times in your life when you’ve feared making a decision? Read more »
Is there a way that you can get over the stresses in your life? It is my belief that we can overcome any challenge in our life if we become more resourceful. Being resourceful means obtaining the resources you need …
Are you trying to remove that fear from your life? In a recent blog by Niall Doherty he wrote about how he has been asked many times while he cares so much about dating women. His answer was because that …
Do you want to react or do you want to put plans in place for action? By taking action now, you will be on your way to a great New Year. Here are a few questions that will help you …
Is it the money or is it the pleasure in seeing the people you’ve helped enjoy the benefits? It is my belief that if you take your focus off the money aspect of your transactions your life will be less …
What is the greatest reward you get for your work? Read more »
Is it the pressure to perform, the pressure of time, or the pressure of your colleagues? According to Deepak Chopra everyone has to cope with stress, it is just part of our way of life. But please consider the alternative …