Are you the leader in your life?
Or do you just let life happen? There is a big difference in the two, isn’t there? If you are a leader you have a vision, a focus and a passion for achieving your objectives. If you let things happen, …
Or do you just let life happen? There is a big difference in the two, isn’t there? If you are a leader you have a vision, a focus and a passion for achieving your objectives. If you let things happen, …
Does money or lack of money at times distract you from other things? Henry Ford once said; “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” He was right! When a business is just focused on money it …
Do you get frustrated when you don’t achieve your financial goals? Read more »
The choices I speak about are the decisions we make in life. Decisions are the true test of character in a person. Do your decisions reflect how virtuous you are? You ask, what are virtues? Some examples are; moral strength, …
This is according to a study done by It is very obvious to me that many people have let the circumstances of their job and lives bring them down. This is a sad situation. According to the study this …
Did you know that only 36% of American’s are happy at their job? Read more »
Are you wondering what character is? It is my understanding that character are the mental strength and moral qualities of a person. Mental strength is the ability to avoid crumbling when times are tough. Moral qualities are good habits or …
Do you enjoy the time you spend at work? The reason I ask that is because it has been proven that a person without a sense of humor has trouble in the circumstances of their lives. They are jolted from …
If you are human, as I am, we all have blamed someone for our own misfortune, haven’t we? The question is; do you want to show perseverance or do you want to be a failure? Perseverance is the ability to …
How many times does it take before you blame someone? Read more »
Have you identified your weaknesses? We know that we have weaknesses, but should we concentrate all of our time on improving the weaknesses? I believe that we should improve on the strengths in our lives so that we deactivate the …
Has this been a struggle for some time? If you feel that you have been struggling to replace those bad habits or rituals, maybe it’s time for a different view. Many people have found out that up and until they …
Could you be taking more action on replacing your bad habits? Read more »
That meaning do you get up early and are excited to get going? Many studies have shown that early risers are likely to be more optimistic and have greater career success. A recent report in Psychology Today states that a …