Do you give a full days work for a full days pay?

Are you saving your energy because ‘burning out’ concerns you?

Do you really know what ‘burning out’ looks and feels like?

In 1979 Neil Young wrote a song called ‘Hey, Hey, My My’. In the song is the line “it’s better to burn out than to fade away”. This line from the song became infamous after being quoted in American musician Kurt Cobain’s suicide note. I wrote ‘infamous’ as I believe that Mr. Cobain did not burn out in the normal sense of the words. I believe that he was messed up and because of this he took his life.

I also believe that we all have a great amount of internal energy and resources, but don’t use them effectively. Consider this; you are with a couple of friends late in the evening and you are feeling tired. Then another friend shows up that is a highly energized person, before you know it, you are ready to have fun and for the next 2 or 3 hours you have had no thoughts about being tired. Then on Monday morning you drag yourself into work and have no energy to do what you’ve been hired to do.

We are all here on this earth of a limited amount of time. We’ve all been placed on the earth for a specific reason. If you agree with those statements I have a few questions for you;

  • Isn’t it better to do all you can for as many people as you can, in the time you have?
  • Isn’t it better to burn out helping others, than to fade away?

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