Have we lost our courage to stand up against wrong? (part 1)

Have we lost our ability to question what is happening in our World?

Over the past number of years, we’ve seen many changes to how marriage is viewed, how people describe their sexual preferences and the pronouns of how some people want to be addressed by.

It appears to me that with the newest theory we are being pushed into accepting is a seriously flawed concept that will hurt us in North America for a long time if we don’t object to it.

The latest theory is called ‘Critical Race Theory’. While many people may have heard a little bit about it from our so-called leaders, I believe that we need to dig deeper when it comes to this theory.

In order to explain Critical Race Theory, it helps to understand where it originally started. Its founder was Karl Marx. Marx was a German philosopher, historian, sociologist, economist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. He developed a philosophy and a method of interaction as his way of organizing society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the working class, instead of the capitalists. He did this because he believed there was an imbalance of power between capitalists and the workers, which would lead to a new socialist society.

Marx’s most important book was Das Kapital. These writings by Marx and others form led to the basis of the body of thought and belief known as Marxism in the mid-1800’s. To say that Marxism was tried and found successful is a lie. Let me give you some facts as to why Marxist or Socialist governments don’t work. To do this we just need to look to this past Century, the 1900’s. Consider what happened to the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Cambodia. Thankfully these forms of socialist governments collapsed. Sadly, after executing almost 100 million of their own people. This is a time that citizens of the World need to remember what Socialism and Marxism does. Yes, they cared more for their policies than they did for their people.

Rather than abandoning these policies that have been proven do not work, Marxists adapted these radical concepts to the 1960’s social unrest. Thankfully, people like Martin Luther King Jr. were able to restore some order to countries like the United States. Unfortunately, the radicals have endured and began to condition many of the young people in ‘higher learning’ centers like universities and colleges. For over a decade now identity-based Marxism has increasingly become the go-to doctrine in those places of learning.

Due to this conditioning of university students many of them are now teachers in public school systems. And because they have been conditioned about Critical Race Theory, they believe it to be the only choice.

In part two of this article, I will give you some facts that will surprise you.

2 Comments on “Have we lost our courage to stand up against wrong? (part 1)

  1. From one who is definitely not afraid to stand up against wrong, I agree completely with the points made in your post. All highlight deliberate attempts to destroy the fabric of society.

    Are we seeing in North America the cycle of innovation-hard work-progress- improved living standards- complacency-decadence-decay-chaos-destruction that seems to have afflicted great dynasties and empires in the past?

    Or, are we seeing the swing of the pendulum nearing its zenith of societal breakdown before a return to an appreciation of the standards and values that made Western societies successful?

    I am hoping it’s the latter.
    Looking forward to Part 2 Tim

    • Peter, a enjoyed how you turned around a bad situation into the possibility of a return to some sort of normal functioning of society. Yes, that is the reason I wrote this blog. I believe that we can’t get much lower than what is happening at present. And making people aware of what they don’t know, could be the first step in a renewal.

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