How many times have you started a project and not completed it to your satisfaction?

What could have been the problem?

From personal experience I believe it is because you may have started the project without planning the steps. These steps include the following;

  1. deciding on the overall goal
  2. itemizing all the tasks involved
  3. figuring out if the time commitment is worth the end result
  4. calculating a budget
  5. putting together the equipment and supplies
  6. deciding if the risk of the project is worth the time
  7. assigning duties, and
  8. evaluating the results

If you look at the first word in all 8 steps you will notice that they are action words. Projects are all about taking action and if you have not done the proper planning something is bound to come up that may throw the whole project off the rails, with more challenges than you want or need.

Are you going to use these planning steps with your next project?

What is the impact if you don’t?

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