What are you willing to stand up for?


Did you know that your actions speak louder than words?

I recently read an article about a woman named Frances Kelsey. She was born in 1914 (yes she is 100 years old) but her story is more meaningful than her age. She was born in Western Canada, educated at McGill University and the University of Chicago. She landed a position with a leading pharmacologist who mistook her application to be that of a man. And it is a good thing that the mistake was made. The reason I say that was because she literally saved thousands of women in the United States from experiencing one of the lowest events in drug research.

What did Frances do?

Frances Kelsey blocked the release of the drug Thalidomide in the United States. By doing that she spared the suffering that this drug ravaged on woman and in turn babies being born into this world.

While you may not have a University degree, it should not make a difference. The reason I say that is because when we see that something is wrong in our world it is up to each and every one of us to stop what is going on. Which means to you that if you don’t do it; who will? And what that really means to you is that your decisions can have an impact on the future of many people.

My question for you is; what positive impact on the world can you make, with the decisions you make today?

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