Have we become a victimized society?

Have we forgot that we have freedom of choice in our actions and our thoughts?

If you haven’t noticed it – we are deeply entrenched in what is called ‘identity politics’. According to Google, identity politics is ‘a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.’ Did you know that connected to identity politics is victimization? It is the taking of offense for the slightest incidents because the person or group knows that a political worker will be right there to support them.

In response to this I am going to quote Arnold J. Toynbee who was a British historian, philosopher of history, research professor of international history at the London School of Economics and the University of London. He stated; “As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility.”

The bottom line for me in that statement is that we have to take responsibility. A novel idea in this day an age, isn’t it. I state that because if you look at the credentials of Mr. Toynbee it makes the most sense because he knew history. This is because he knew what made people either be hero’s or zeros. Yes, I will admit that the last line is harsh but it rhymes so well. And yet at the same time there might be one reader of this blog that needs a wake-up call, so that they can live the life they were made to be.

So, the bottom-line is that identity politics and feeling victimized is all about ‘labels’. The other day I came across some notes I had made while listening to a speaker many years ago. Unfortunately, I did not make a note of who it was so I can’t give credit where credit is due. The title of this is;

‘Signs You are Living Under Labels;

  • You have no passion
  • You are low on your priority list
  • You always need someone else’s approval, and
  • You go along to get along

As a person of great enthusiasm for life when I read the above list, it saddens me. This is because to have no passion means that you have no compelling desire for someone or something. If you are low on your priority list it means that something has happened in your life that you don’t feel worthy and of course this ties in with always needing someone’s approval. And finally, if you go along to get along it means that you are an appeaser. While this may be good at times, in the long-term we have to recognize that some people in our lives that are walking all over us and our ideas and sometimes they need to be aware of how inconsiderate they are. Which means that you need to make them aware that you feel that you are being treated as a door mat.

If you can relate to any of the above opinions I have the following questions for you;

  • Why are you choosing to live the life you are now?
  • Why don’t you contact me so that I can help you become your true self?

4 Comments on “Have we become a victimized society?

  1. Good Post Tim,

    I agree with you that there is a problem when a large part of society is comprised of people who label themselves victims.

    Sadly, it’s a symptom of the politically correct agenda that is promoted in most of the conventional and social media.

    The thought police, both bureaucratic and individually cannot tolerate different opinions. Everything has to be their way or nothing.

    Middle of the road and right of centre opinions are being deliberately censored (by their own admission) by the social media platforms, search engines and conventional print & broadcast media.

    As evidence; The CEO of twitter admitting in an interview that his policy is to ensure a left wing bias to what type of tweets are permitted and shown to users, leaks from Google employees about biased search enquiry results.

    Lastly, the almost universal campaign by all types of media to denigrate the President of the USA at every opportunity, while downplaying the facts:

    4.2% economic growth in 2nd quarter, 4.6% predicted for 3rd
    Consumer confidence level is highest since 2000
    Record highs on most stock indexes
    Latest WSJ/NBC poll shows Trump’s approval rating at or near its highest.

    Trump is probably the most successful President since Reagan.

    As you are aware, I am neither a victim nor a sheep and will continue to be a contrarian thinker and campaigner for common sense and the rights of individuals in the hopes that we can restore a degree of sanity to this crazy world.

    • Peter, I appreciate your comments because it is very obvious that you spoke from a deep passion about how you see the world. While I won’t argue with your statistics, I believe it is key to make people aware of how they can buy into things that are not helping their future. In other words they are not going to be a resilient as they can or should be.

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