Do you think you can be successful on your own?
Is it really possible? Let me give you an example from last week. I had a great deal of trouble with this web-site. The whole format of it had been altered with an upgrade to the site. While I had …
Is it really possible? Let me give you an example from last week. I had a great deal of trouble with this web-site. The whole format of it had been altered with an upgrade to the site. While I had …
In other words; are you distracted easily? A few more questions; • When you hear that you have an e-mail message do you go directly to it? • When you are working on something and someone approaches you to do …
Did it scare you a little? The biggest challenge for me is that I am very enthused about the results I’ve seen in what I have done with others. The other challenge I have is that some people view my …
Have you ever met someone that was really enthused about their business? Read more »
Has it got you down? Please remember this quote; ‘The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind, washed by the water and polished to brilliance by life’s strongest storms.” I would like to give credit to this quote …
What people are giving you the advice to? Colin Powell once said; “Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to …
Are you committed to improving your life? These are really the same question, aren’t they? The challenge for every one of us is that we really don’t like change unless we are the architects of the change. So how do …
Is it the what, the why, the how or who? The ‘what’ question helps you understand what it is that you want to accomplish, don’t they? The ‘why’ gives you a deeper understanding or a passion? The ‘how’ helps describe …
What types of questions motivate you to take action? Read more »
Doesn’t this seem to be the right thing to do? Now let me begin by stating; I believe that all of us have emotions for a good reason. Secondly, we are human beings and we do have feelings. What I …
Have you decided that no matter the circumstances you will not be affected? Read more »
Would you like to know the one that bothers me? The statement is; “I’m going to try to…” The word ‘try’ means to make an effort to do something. My challenge is what type of an effort will it be? …
Or do your actions mean everything? I am sure you will agree that actions are important in achieving results, but results are needed in business, aren’t they? So how do we move from actions to those results? 1. Create or …