Does the way people challenge you upset you?
Do you carry your own weather with you? If I haven’t lost you yet, are you might be asking what do I mean by carrying ‘your own weather with you? When you are carrying your own weather with you it …
Do you carry your own weather with you? If I haven’t lost you yet, are you might be asking what do I mean by carrying ‘your own weather with you? When you are carrying your own weather with you it …
Is it the systems or the people? If you think it is the people, consider that you hired those people you are complaining about right now. If you believe it is the systems you are right. Putting good people into …
What is causing the problems in your organization? Read more »
Are you afraid of taking a risk or doing something out of the ordinary? Singer Patti Labelle said “Many a false step is made standing still”. Isn’t that a true sentence? The idea that we can move forward by standing …
Did you know that there are three personality types that can bring down any organization? Whenever I think about small business I think about the entrepreneur that started it. The entrepreneur is a different kind of person, they have a …
Has it ever occurred to you that this type of a connection can bring a sense of happiness that most people never experience? Last weekend I had the opportunity to re-connect with a man who I first met in the …
Do you know what it means to have a great personal connection with someone? Read more »
In other words, what do you need to do? Is success easier by maintaining a cool head and a warm heart or having a hot head and cold feet? As David Frost said; “Don’t aim for success if you want …
What is the easiest way to attain personal success? Read more »
Have you been able to test this courage? Annie Dillard (the Pulitzer Prize winning author) said; “You cannot test courage cautiously.” So what does that mean to you? Does it mean that you will act timidly in your actions until …
This relates greatly to the sales professions, doesn’t it? It is a formula to help sales people so that they are not to be bothered by whether the prospect buys or not. I know there is a challenge in this! …
Is that stopping you from moving forward with your life? Many years ago a co-worker looked at me and said; ‘Tim, how come you forget the great sales months you have?” I told him that the month was finished so …
Do you find it hard to forget the bad things people did to you? Read more »
Is excellence something worth moving towards? Pat Riley whose teams have won 4 N.B.A. (National Basketball Association) titles once said; “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” Now that you’ve read his quote doesn’t it makes …