Is this a time to refresh your thinking?
Do you view the New Year as a time to start new? I believe that as we begin this New Year it is a time to look with fresh eyes and a revitalized spirit at what is possible. Sure you …
Do you view the New Year as a time to start new? I believe that as we begin this New Year it is a time to look with fresh eyes and a revitalized spirit at what is possible. Sure you …
Are they self-imposed or do they come from outside? If you said these obstacles come from outside, it seems to me that you have no control in your life. Why is that? What can you do to change the situation? …
What types of plans have you put together? Are you saying that you don’t have any plans? You planned for your last vacation didn’t you? Is your vacation more important than your life? Of course it isn’t, so why do …
As we approach the start of a New Year, what would you like improved? Read more »
Are you disciplined enough to focus on the task at hand, all the time? Discipline is the key to overcoming any challenge. Discipline is the key to working towards a goal. So why aren’t we more disciplined? According to a …
Have you ever thought about that? I know that we’ve all been placed here for a particular reason. What that reason is sometimes takes many years to find out, doesn’t it? When you realize it, it is a glorious day. …
You didn’t say ‘fine’ did you? I believe the word ‘fine’ is a bad word to describe how your life is. I’ll tell you the reason why I don’t like the word ‘fine’. It is because ‘fine’ is a type …
Are there better options? I thought that the following posting by a member of the Nokia Wellness Diary team on the Nokia Beta Labs website had some positive solutions. The writer said that there are four main strategies to reduce …
To recover from the stress in life do you watch T.V.? Read more »
Do you suffer from it? It is my understanding that egotism is being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself. The key word in that definition is the word excessively. So that leads to a few questions; • If you are …
Have you written them down? Mahatma Gandhi once said “Action expresses priorities.” I agree with that because every action you take tells the world what is most important for you. For example let’s say you spend 45 minutes of each …
Do these bad habits cause you problems? If you said ‘no’ to those questions, I am concerned. I am concerned because if you have no bad habits why aren’t you more successful than you are today? The biggest challenge for …