So what’s keeping you up at night?
If you are in sales, and we all are to some degree, this may be a concern for you. But I want to address this question differently. I got this idea from an article in the Harvard Business Review by …
If you are in sales, and we all are to some degree, this may be a concern for you. But I want to address this question differently. I got this idea from an article in the Harvard Business Review by …
If you are curious enough continue reading. To make your offering SEMI, evaluate your business by using the following questions; Is what I sell obviously different? Do I promote it by taking big risks? Have I made at least one …
Is what you are doing something that is ‘Significant Enough to Make an Impact‘(SEMI)? Read more »
Many years ago I took a course on influencing and the instructor advised all of us that the word ‘but’ is a influence killer. The reason for this is that when you say the word ‘but’, what people are hearing …
Have you ever noticed how many times you say ‘but’ in a conversation? Read more »
I know the answer to this question is both ‘yes’ and ‘no’. The reason I say ‘yes’ is because once the business has committed to a mission or focus, everyone needs to march to the beat of the same drummer. …
Do all the employees in your business need to have a sense of unity? Read more »
I came across the following article the other day and I thought it would be helpful for you. It is written by Harvey MacKay. Harvey is a very successful business man and has written many books including ‘Swim With the …
Recently I read an article about a woman that started a restaurant business in Canada in 1987. She is Cora Tsouflidou and is the founder of Chez Cora and Cora’s Breakfast & Lunch Restaurants. They now have over 100 stores …
So what is the key to success for a young business entrepreneur? Read more »
Venture capitalist Geoffrey Moore believes that it is your operating plan and the ideas in it. That sounds pretty harsh considering that you are very pleased with your progress, doesn’t it? Let me explain that if you are working in …
When one area of your life is in disarray do you feel ‘out of control’? If you feel challenged that is a good thing. I say that because it is your inner being telling you that you don’t have balance …
Creating an ad is just more than putting your name on it, isn’t it? The other day I was looking at a publication and noticed that each company’s advertising had great pictures and a few slogans. The ads were so …
Have you differentiated your business in your advertising? Read more »
Recently I read about a very large national company that stated they lacked clear data about their customers. This type of admission should be an eye opener to all business owners or managers. The reason I say that is because …